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Gardens & Trails

Serenity Gardens is situated on a 20-acre property off Route 19 in Hayfield Township, and features multiple gardens and walking trails. Serenity Gardens is an official National Wildlife Refuge Site. The gardens and trails are open daily to the public during daylight hours.


Our location on the Atlantic Flyway coupled with the shrubby habitat of this area make Serenity Gardens an excellent location to observe nesting birds. The diversity of habitats also harbors a unique combination of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. Multiple trails wind their way through this area and offer an opportunity to explore the flora and fauna.


Peak times for bird watching include April, May, and June. Many species of warblers, wrens, vireos, thrushes, and woodpeckers are likely to be seen, especially during the morning. July and August are the peak months to observe insects with the monarch butterfly migration in September. 


Many large mammals including deer, black bear, and fox also inhabit the park. The diversity of wild plants is even more striking. With shady woodlands and open fields, one can see wood lily and meadowsweet on the same short walk. The park is also an interest to the ecologist for its farm field to forest succession. For a safe walk, avoid walking at night when hazards are more likely to exist and remain on the trail at all times.

Serenity Gardens trails
serenity gardens
serenity gardens

Photo credits: Jack Hanrahan

Nature Trails


Warbler Trail (1/4 mile)

This major trail connects the garden park to the woods. Watch for many sparrows and warblers in spring. If you are quiet you may see a red fox. Wildflowers to look for here: golden ragwort, ironweed, and jewelweed.


Old Field Trail (1/3 mile)

The winding trail offers the best hike in the park. You will walk through wooded sub-climax forest, climax forest, and old succeeded farm fields. Watch for swallowtail and monarch butterflies in the summer. Meadowsweet can be found growing along a bend in the trail. In fall, look for various asters and goldenrods.




Serenity Garden features several distinct garden areas, each with its own theme. The art gardens are especially designed to match stylistic elements from traditional art movements, such as Impressionism, Romanticism, and Classicism. Visitors are welcome to enjoy these natural displays free of charge.



If interested in hosting your wedding in the garden, please contact us for details. A minimum of 30 days notice and cottage rental is required. Parking is limited to no more than 20 vehicles.


The Classical Garden

Modeled on Antiquity, this formal courtyard garden is built with right angles and even symmetry. Statues, benches, and a small water fountain adorn the lawn.


The Romantic Garden

The newest garden of the series. This showy lush garden is based on the great Romantic Movement of the 19th Century. Many grass paths meander through swirls, curves, and beds that are overflowing with flowers.


The Impressionist Garden

This display is the oldest garden here. All of the flowers run together in a carpet of soft colors. The blurred effect counterbalances the defined borders and symmetry of the other gardens. This garden is only open in the spring. 


The Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly Garden is 400 square feet and contains 6 different plants that attract butterflies. 

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